Pre-enrichment broths for recovery of Salmonella from milk chocolate and edible casein: collaborative study.

: A collaborative study was conducted to compare the relative efficiency of nonfat dry milk with brilliant green dye (NFDM-BG and buffered peptone water (BPW) as pre-enrichment broths for recovery of Salmonella from milk chocolate. Lactose broth and modified lactose broth with added 1% NaHCO3 and brilliant green dye were compared as pre-enrichment broths for recovery of Salmonella from edible casein. Two sets of 8 samples each of milk chocolate, containing initial levels of Salmonella ranging from less than 0.03 to 43 organisms/g, were examined by 13 collaborators. Of 104 determinations, 102 (98.1%) and 100 (96.2%) using NFDM-BG and BPW, respectively, were in agreement with sample results of the control laboratory. Two sets of 7 samples each of edible casein, containing initial levels of Salmonella ranging from less than 0.03 to 93 organisms/g, were also examined by the 13 collaborators. Of 91 determinations, 87 (95.6%) and 88 (96.7%) using lactose broth and modified lactose broth, respectively, were in agreement with sample results of the control laboratory. For recovery of Salmonella, therefore, NFDM-BG pre-enrichment is recommended for milk chocolate, and lactose broth is recommended for casein. The proposed revision of official final action method 46.054-46.067 has been adopted official first action.
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