Dental features in patients with Turner syndrome.

Aim This was to investigate the dental characteristics (caries sensitivity and tooth crown size of permanent elements) in subjects affected by Turner Syndrome (TS). Patients and methods A group of 25 patients affected by TS, aged from 4 to 18 years, was selected and the data were compared to those of an age matched control healthy group. The caries index values in TS patients are higher in the permanent (6.4 vs. 3.9), mixed (0.5 vs. 0.75) and primary dentition (0 vs. 1). The mesio-distal diameter in TS patients was significantly reduced for every tooth measured (in particular for the lower first permanent molar). Results and conclusion This investigation confirms that numeric aberration of the X chromosome most likely affects the quantitative and qualitative excretion of amelogenin so that teeth often present enamel defects (reduced crown size and enamel hypoplasia). High caries index values (DMFT) highlight the demand of early preventive measures mostly focused on special care patients.
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