Les quartiers juifs en Italie entre XVe et XVIIe siècle. Quelques hypothèses de travail

The Jewish Districts in Italy between the 15th and the 17th century. Some Research Hypothesis. D. Calabi. ; ; Differently from Spain, Portugal and even the most part of the British and the French nations, in Italy, during the 16th century, we find the constitution of the "ghettoes ", more than the complete expulsion of the Jewish people from the cities. It means that some local governments (the Venetian Repubblica, as well as the Vatican State, or the Florentine Signoria) decide to impose a form of physical enclosure in the urban context to the Jewish population. This paper focuses on the quality of these districts in several Italian cities, before and after the institution of the "ghetto ". It describes the common characters, the high quantity of public services (in comparison to other urban districts), the existing institutions for assistance, rite, culture, but also the implementation of infrastructures (as provision of drinking water, cleaning disposals for public and private places, baths), the attitude toward the realization of a central square, a "piazza" with porches all-around, shops underneath, wells or fountains.
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