Aggravation of gingival inflammatory symptoms during pregnancy associated with the concentration of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 (PAI-2) in gingival fluid

Gingival inflammatory symptoms are aggravated during pregnancy. In vitro studies suggest a hormonal influence on the plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 (PAI-2), and a disturbed balance of the fibrinolytic system could help to explain pregnancy gingivitis. Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) was sampled in 14 women in pregnant and post-pregnant states. The gingival condition was assessed by the gingival index of Loe & Silness (GI) and the amount of bacterial plaque by the plaque index of Silness & Loe (PI). The ratio of sites with gingivitis to sites with bacterial plaque was calculated (G/P-ratio). Antigen levels of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA), plasminogen activator inhibitors type 1 (PAI-1) and PAI-2 in GCF were determined with ELISAs and 17 β-oestradiol and progesterone in serum with radioimmunoassays. For each individual the differences (Δ) in hormone levels and PAs and PAIs between pregnancy and post-pregnancy were calculated. Based on differences in G/P-ratio between pregnancy and post-pregnancy, subgrouping was done into a high-reacting and a low-reacting group. For the total group, the mean G/P-ratio was 2.0 during and 1.2 after pregnancy (p=0.064). A statistically significant correlation between Δprogesterone and ΔPAI-2 was noted: the higher Δprogesterone, the lower ΔPAI-2. No other significant correlations between hormone levels and components of the fibrinolytic system were found. For the total group of women, the concentrations of PAI-2, PAI-1 and t-PA were significantly higher during than after pregnancy. The individuals in the high-reacting group, however, showed a lower or unchanged production of PAI-2 during pregnancy, while those in the low-reacting group showed a greatly increased production. The lower inhibitory capacity in terms of a low production of PAI-2 during pregnancy in women with a higher inflammatory reaction indicates that the components of the fibrinolytic system may be involved in the development of pregnancy gingivitis and implies that PAI-2 serves as an inhibitor of importance for tissue proteolysis. The present finding contributes to the explanation of pregnancy gingivitis.
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