The Radiographic Features of Tracheopathia Osteoplastica

Tracheopathia osteoplastica is a rare, benign tumorous condition of the trachea and major bronchi. The multiple osteocartilaginous tumors are formed in the wall of the trachea and project into the internal surface of that structure, producing a variable amount of obstruction to the airway. Solitary chondromas and solitary osteomas of the trachea usually are excluded from this particular category. Apparently, the literature does not contain any detailed account of the radiographic features of this disease entity. It was felt advisable, therefore, to review roentgenograms of patients with this condition who had been seen at the Mayo Clinic. Also, we wish to present a case in which the diagnosis of tracheopathia osteoplastica was made on the basis of the clinical history and the characteristic radiographic picture as seen in tomograms. Report of Case Case I: A 71-year-old white man registered at the clinic on Oct. 18, 1955, complaining of progressive exertional dyspnea and productive cough of three years dur...
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