A new combination of methods for the localization, identification, and three-dimensional reconstruction of the sensory endings of articular afferents characterized by electrophysiology.

A combination of methods is described to identify and reconstruct corpuscular and non-corpuscular sensory endings of group II and group III nerve fibers following functional examination by electrophysiology. Afferent units activated by electrical stimulation of the medial articular nerve of the cat's knee were analyzed by single fiber recordings and characterized by their responsiveness to mechanical stimuli. The receptive fields of the units were closely demarcated by fine needles when the responses elicited by insertion of the needles were being recorded. After fixation, the tissue around the demarcated field was dissected and histologically processed. Series of semithin sections were cut from the embedded tissue blocks containing the receptive fields. Corpuscular endings of group II fibers and peripheral myelinated group III nerve fibers, presumably corresponding to the characterized units, were identified by light microscopy of semithin sections and localized within the demarcated area. Non-corpuscular endings were identified by electron microscopy of ultrathin sections cut in alternation with, or after re-embedding of, semithin sections. Morphometric analysis of ultrathin section series allowed the measurement of parameters such as the mean axon diameter and the organelle content of the sensory endings. The methods described are appropriate for collecting data that correlate the structural and functional characteristics of sensory endings in deep tissues.
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