Analisis Kondisi Financial Distress pada Perusahaan Aneka Industri yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

This research was conducted with the aim to analyze the influence of leverage, profitability, and firm size in predicting financial distress conditions. The population in this study are miscellaneous industry companies which numbered 46 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2017-2019. The sample techniques using purposive sampling method with slovin formula and resulted 41 companies being accepted. In testing the hypothesis using Regression Logistic Analisys with with E-Views software 10.0 and a significant level 5% and Microsoft Excel 2016 in data analysis. The result of this study indicated that (1) leverage as a measured by Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR) has a positive effect on financial distress, (2) profitability as a measured by Return on Asset (ROA) has a negative effect on financial distress, and (3) firm size as a measured by SIZE has no effect on financial distress.
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