Cytodiagnosis of Metastatic Cervical Lymphadenopathy in A Tertiary Care Centre in North-East India - A One Year Study -

Background: Malignancies in lymph nodes in our country are predominantly metastatic in nature with an incidence varying from 65.7% to 80.4% and lymphomas range from 2% to 15.3% among lymph nodes aspirated from all sites. Cervical lymphadenopathy accounts for majority of metastatic malignancy.In the present study, 77 cases with cervical lymphadenopathy were included over a period of 1 year ; out of 105 cases of overall lymphadenopathy (73.3 %) & 76.6% of cases turned out to be metastatic in nature . Objectives: 1. To find age & sex incidence of metastatic cervical lymphdenoapathy at TMC & BRAM Teaching Hospital. 2. To study the cytomorphological pattern of malignancy. Material & Methods: All the patients referred to Department of Pathology, Tripura Medical College and Dr. BRAM Teaching Hospital for FNAC of cervical lymph nodes were included in present study. The study design was retrospective and study duration was from June 2014 to May 2015 (1 year) Results: Our study included 77 cases, corresponding to73 % of total number of cases of lymphadenopathy at our hospital. Males were commonly affected (M: F is 2.28:1). Fifth decade was the common age group involved. Metastatic lesions were reported in 23 (29.8%) of total number of cases. Out of 23 cases, 14 were metastatic squamous cell carcinoma (61%), 7 were metastatic adenocarcinoma (30.4%) and 2 were others (8.6%) which include one small cell carcinoma and one undifferentiated carcinoma. Conclusion: Cervical lymph nodes were the commonest sites involved by metastatic malignancy with male preponderance. Peak age of incidence was noted in 5th decade. Squamous cell carcinoma was the most common malignancy reported followed by adenocarcinoma.
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