Desafios enfrentados por conselhos de saúde no brasil: uma revisão ancorada na biblioteca virtual Scielo (2015-2020)

This study objective to identify the challenges faced by brazilian Health Councils. It is an integrative literature review that had as its guiding question "What scientific knowledge has been produced about the challenges faced by brazilian Health Councils in the last five years?". The review was constructed using the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), using the descriptors "Conselhos de Saude", "controle social" and "politicas de saude". After completing the methodological path, 15 articles were selected to compose the discussion. In the light of the investigation, the points of discussion of the results found were discussed, which included the analysis of the participatory process, the representativeness, the dynamics of the Councils' functioning, the rendering of accounts, the importance of deliberations and meetings and the profile and role of counselors. In order to express its relevance, the need to disseminate the Councils' successful practices is revealed, solidifying social participation as an essential tool for the development of public health policies. The Councils must work to promote access to health for the population, respecting the principles of the Sistema Unico de Saude of integrality, equity and universality of assistance. Its performance should also allow inspection and control activities to comply with the principles of accountability and transparency about acts and decisions.
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