Development of the computational software tools to automate the computational analyses of fusion relevant benchmarks

The software tool was developed to automate the validation of the evaluated neutron cross sections files against the benchmarks which provide the differential responses. Specifically it was implemented for the energy and time distributions of neutrons and γ-ray spectra measured with the D-T and $^{252}$Cf(s.f.) neutron sources and simulated by Monte Carlo code MCNP. The master script modifies the MCNP input deck by selecting the desired evaluation, runs MCNP and compares the calculated spectra with measured ones in user defined intervals. The criteria chi-squared, either for intervals or for the whole measured range, was selected to judge about the performance of the evaluated cross section data library. The application of the developed tools for the validation of the ENDF/B-VIII.0, FENDL-3.1d, JEFF.3.3 and JENDL-4.0u libraries against the iron spherical benchmarks with $^{252}$Cf and D-T sources has shown that JEFF-3.3 should be considered as superable over all others libraries for the task of the neutron transport. However all tested libraries underestimate the neutron induced γ- rays leakage from bulk iron by factor of two. The reliability of the validation conclusions was strengthened by inter-comparison of the similar benchmarks but carried out in different labs.
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