Performance Analysis and Comparison of Journal Bearing using Ferro Fluid & Magneto-Rheological Fluid by Computation Fluid Dynamics

Now days the works are focuses on Smart fluid technology which is an emerging field of research and that has lead to the introduction of Ferro fluids, they are smart materials whose rheological properties (viscosity, yield stress, shear modulus etc.) can be readily controlled on appliance of an magnetic field. Recent studies show that there is an increasing interest in designing hydro dynamically lubricated bearings using electro-rheological fluids (ERFs) or magneto rheological fluids (MRFs). Both smart fluids behave like Bingham fluids, and thus the Bingham plastic model is used to describe the grease and the electro-rheological (ER) and magneto-rheological (MR) fluids behavior of the non-Newtonian fluid flow. This work is concerned with the Computational fluid Dynamics of the hydrodynamic journal bearings lubricated with Ferro fluid and comparison of magneto rheological fluid. .. The solution renders the bearing performance characteristics, namely, load carrying capacity, attitude angle, frictional force at the journal surface, friction Coefficient and bearing side leakage. Ferro fluids can solve many difficult sealing, lubricating, detection, heat transfer and damping problems. Design of smart journal-bearing systems is an important issue that opens up the possibility for semi active dynamic
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