Thermoelectric Power and Thermoelectric Dynamo of Mercury

The Mercury’s magnetic fields are known to be weaker than that predicted by conventional dynamo models. In order to explain the Mercury’s weak magnetic field, several models are proposed (Stanley and Glatzmaier, 2010). One of them is the thermoelectric dynamo, which drive the dynamo via the thermoelectric force (Stevenson, 1987). The field strength is proportional to the relative Seebeck coefficient between the core and the mantle. Because the Seebeck coefficient of insulators is more than one order larger than that of metals, the Seebeck coefficient of Mercury’s mantle is the central parameter. Therefore, we investigated the Seebeck coefficient of mantle minerals from the first-principles calculations. The structure relaxation and band structure calculations were conducted by using the Quantum ESPRESSO package. The bandgap energy was calibrated by means of the quasiparticles self-consistent GW (QSGW) approximation adopted in the ecalj package. The Seebeck coefficient was calculated via the Boltzmann equa...
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