Sensibilidad y especificidad de la prueba cutánea por punción con dos concentraciones del extracto estandarizado de Culex quinquefasciatus en niños alérgicos

BACKGROUND: Diagnostic options for immune reactions to mosquito bites are limited. In Cuba, IgE-mediated reactions are frequently related to Culex quinquefasciatus bite. OBJECTIVE: To determine the sensitivity and specificity of skin prick test with two doses of standardized extract in nitrogen protein units (PNU) of Culex quinquefasciatus (BIOCEN, Cuba). MATERIAL AND METHOD: An analytical study was conducted on 100 children between 2 and 15 years old. Fifty atopic patients with a history of allergy to mosquito bite and positive specific serum IgE Culex quinquefasciatus and fifty atopic patients without a history of allergy to mosquito bite and negative specific serum IgE to Culex quinquefasciatus . Skin prick tests (SPT) were performed by duplicates on the forearms of the patients. Investigated doses were 100 PNU/mL and 10 PNU/mL. RESULTS: SPT with the highest concentration obtained a mean wheal size of 22.09 mm 2 and for lower doses of 8.09 mm 2 , a statistically significant difference (p=0.001, Student’s t test). Positive skin test correlated in 100% of patients with the presence of specific IgE. Testing with both doses showed a 94% of specificity and 88% of sensitivity. CONCLUSION: The diagnostic accuracy of SPT using both doses of standardized extract was similar, which justifies its use for diagnosis of sensitization to Culex quinquefasciatus in patients with symptoms of allergy to mosquito bite.
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