Contraceptive effect of ethylnorgestrienone in men and women. The unisex pill

2 tablets of the drug (25 mg each ethylnorgestrienone) were administered weekly to a group of 50 men who had received subcutaneous testosterone implants. 1 tablet weekly was administered to a group of 50 women. In the men the treatment produced azoospermia or marked olig ospermia and necrospermia at the end of 12 weeks of treatment. In 75% of the men libido remained unaffected. In only 25% of the patients were there complaints of decreased libido or potency. Approximately 25% of the patients reported increased libido and potency. In the majority of women patients the treatment resulted in inhibition of ovulation. Amenorrhea was the most important side effect. The pill is offered as a potential contraceptive for both sexes.
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