Effects of parathyroid hormone and urinary phosphate on collecting duct hydrogen secretion

Urine-minus-blood PCO2 (U - B PCO2) during alkaline diuresis (urinary pH greater than 7.8) was determined in paired experiments using bicarbonate-loaded rats to assess the effects of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and urinary phosphate concentration [( Pi]u) on collecting duct H+ secretion. U-B PCO2 was higher for any value of urinary bicarbonate concentration ([HCO3]u) in the presence of PTH [intact rats and thyroparathyroidectomized (TPTX) PTH-infused rats] than in its absence (calcium-infused intact rats and TPTX rats). However, when [Pi]u was maintained constant by prior phosphate infusion, PTH administration in TPTX rats failed to elevate U-B PCO2. When PTH was infused in TPTX rats to maintain constant the plasma PTH level, subsequent phosphate infusion increased [Pi]u and elevated U-B PCO2 for any value of [HCO3]u. Moreover, when the data were pooled, there was a positive linear relationship between U-B PCO2 factored for [HCO3]u and [Pi]u (P less than 0.001). In all experiments, other factors that may af...
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