Including New Patterns to Improve Event Extraction Systems.

Event Extraction (EE) is a challenging Information Extraction task which aims to discover event triggers of specific types along with their arguments. Most recent research on Event Extraction relies on pattern-based or feature-based approaches, trained on annotated corpora, to recognize combi- nations of event triggers, arguments, and other contextual in- formation. However, as the event instances in the ACE corpus are not evenly distributed, some frequent expressions involving ACE event triggers do not appear in the training data, adversely affecting the performance. In this paper, we demon- strate the effectiveness of systematically importing expert-level patterns from TABARI to boost EE performance. The experimental results demonstrate that our pattern-based sys- tem with the expanded patterns can achieve 69.8% (with 1.9% absolute improvement) F-measure over the baseline, an advance over current state-of-the-art systems.
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