Критерии отнесения новорожденных в группу высокого риска по развитию инфекций и диагностики внутриамниотической инфекции плода и их оценка

Intraamniotic infection and group B Streptococcus colonization are known risk factors for neonatal infection. The authors developed criteria for assigning newborns to the risk group: gestational age less than 37 weeks or prolonged rupture of membranes greater than 12 hours or intrapartum maternal fever > 37.5°C or two or more of the following symptoms in mother: leucocytosis > 15,000/mm3, uterine tenderness, tachycardia in mother > 100 bpm, fetal tachycardia > 160 bpm, malodorous amniotic fluid. When these signs are present, the newborns require comprehensive testing and intensive observation for 48 hours. Intraamniotic infection of fetus is diagnosed in the presence of the lab signs of systemic inflammatory response. Implementation of the clinical management protocol for the high risk group neonates allowed to decrease antibiotics usage by 39% from 6,8% to 4,1% (p=0,006).
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