[Urethral duplication: report of 2 clinical variants].

The present paper is a contribution of two cases of urethral duplication. The first one developed in a paediatric patient and corresponded to a bifid urethra with a pre-anal branch. Diagnosis was based on the patient's signs and symptoms (perianal dripping during miction) and both retrograde and mictional urethrocystography. The therapeutical approach consisted in complete removal of the accessory or supernumerary urethra. The second case developed in an adult patient and the duplication corresponded to a "rifle" urethra. The patient's clinical picture (urinary retention) justified a radiological study of the urethra leading to diagnosis. The therapeutical approach followed was endoscopic resection of both ducts and the surrounding prostatic tissue. Features related to the embryology, signs and symptoms, and therapeutic approach of these malformations are referred.
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