[Babysitter nerve transfer from the thenar branch to the deep terminal branch of the ulnar nerve : An option to preserve the intrinsic hand muscles in proximal lesions of the ulnar nerve].

Objective The objective of this surgery is to achieve early reinnervation of the intrinsic hand muscles through axons of the median nerve, preventing irreversible atrophy of the muscle tissue. The nerve transfer is achieved via a babysitter graft, which is sutured end-to-side to the donor as well as the recipient nerve. The procedure is carried out in combination with a proximal reconstruction of the ulnar nerve. Indications High-grade lesions of the ulnar nerve without spontaneous regeneration, particularly when lesions are located proximally and/or when patients present late. Contraindications Irreversible denervation of the intrinsic muscles; weakness or palsy of the thenar branch. Surgical technique The approach is taken through a longitudinal incision over the volar wrist. The deep branch of the ulnar nerve as well as the thenar branch of the median nerve are visualized after transection of the flexor retinaculum. An autologous graft is then placed between the two nerves, sutured to the donor (thenar branch) as well as the recipient nerve (ulnar deep branch) via an epineural window in an end-to-side manner. This facilitates timely regeneration of motor axons from the median nerve into the intrinsic muscles, thereby preventing irreversible degeneration. Through the end-to-side nerve coaptation, damage to the donor nerve is reduced to a minimum. At the same time reconstruction of the ulnar nerve is performed proximally to the lesion, facilitating original reinnervation of the intrinsic muscles at a later time. Postoperative management Postoperatively, Penrose drains are placed and a sterile hand dressing is applied. Drain removal and dressing change are performed on the first day, suture removal after 2 weeks. Physical therapy for mobility of the joints can be started as early as 1 week after surgery. After the first signs of motor and/or sensory reinnervation, a targeted retraining of daily skills should be initiated. Results This procedure has so far been reported on three patients with high-grade ulnar nerve injury. After a follow-up duration of 6 years, each achieved muscle strength of ≥ M3, with good to excellent overall regeneration according to the modified Bishop rating scale.
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