Inhibitory effect of bile salts on gallbladder smooth muscle contractility in the guinea pig in vitro

Abstract BACKGROUND & AIMS: Impaired gallbladder emptying occurs in patients undergoing bile salt therapy for cholesterol gallstone dissolution and in patients with cirrhosis who have elevated serum bile salt concentrations. To determine if bile salts directly inhibit gallbladder contractility, isometric contraction of the guinea pig gallbladder was examined in vitro. METHODS: Contractile responses to cholecystokinin (CCK), bethanechol, KCI, and field stimulation were constructed alone and in the presence of selected bile salts: taurodeoxycholate (TDC), taurochenodeoxycholate, taurocholate, and tauroursodeoxycholate (TUDC). RESULTS: More hydrophobic bile salts, such as TDC (as low as 5 micromol/L), concentration-dependently depressed (P CONCLUSIONS: Such direct bile salt inhibition of CCK- and cholinergic nerve-induced gallbladder contraction may contribute to the deteriorating gallbladder emptying in patients undergoing bile salt therapy for stone dissolution and in cirrhotic patients who are at risk for gallstone formation. (Gastroenterology 1997 May;112(5):1699-706)
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