Clinical study of an estroprogestative agent

: 123 women took NOR 50 (1 mg norethindrone and .05 mg mestranol, combined) for a total of 1779 cycles, ranging from 1-42 months. The chief indication was contraception, but some also had menstrual irregularity (47 cases), menorrhagia (54), dysmenorrhea (41), chronic pain (11), premenstrual syndrome (13), and acne (3). There were no pregnancies, and all gynecological complaints were cured except 1 case of pain and 1 of acne. Side effects included 4 who stopped for nausea and vomiting, 28 who had transient nausea, 50 with metrorragia (according to the author, probably due to forgotten pills in severe cases), 29 with amenorrhea, 27 with breast pain, 7 with loss of libido, 1 with cholasma. The author remarked that the dimunution of menstrual flow and the improvement to those with fibroids was striking.
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