Experimental study of a gradually closing delayed-action blood vessel clamp.

Numerous methods have been proposed for producing slow and gradual occlusion of blood vessels. 1-4 In previous communications 5-6 we have outlined the problems associated with some of these methods and proposed a new steel clamp for producing gradual occlusion. This clamp is applied around a blood vessel with the jaws held apart by a bolus of absorbable surgical suture. After contact with the body fluids the suture is slowly absorbed, and the jaws of the clamp occlude the vessel (Fig. 1). Continued experience with this method of vascular occlusion has shown it to be a useful and simple experimental tool for the delayed action closure of many different blood vessels. Since exact information was lacking concerning the rate and manner of vascular occlusion as produced by this clamp, a new series of experiments was designed to clarify its action. Materials and Methods The clamp used is constructed of hard-tempered
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