Examination of school administrators' attitudes towards disciplinary problems at school Okul yöneticilerinin okuldaki disiplin sorunlarıyla ilgili tutumlarının incelenmesi

The purpose of this study is to determine the levels of elementary and secondary school administrators' attitudes towards disciplinary issues and to examine whether they vary by various variables (gender, age, educational level, faculty of graduation, branch, seniority, courses, seminars and status of receiving training). The study was prepared in accordance with the relational screening model, one of the general screening models. In the model of the study, the relationship between the variables was examined in accordance with the general and sub-purposes. The population of the study consisted of school administrators working at public elementary and secondary schools in Istanbul province. The sample of the study consisted of 103 administrators working in a total of 12 institutions including 7 public elementary schools and 5 secondary schools located in Gaziosmanpasa district in the 2015-2016 academic year. The "Disciplinary Approaches of Administrators at School" Scale prepared by Ozcan (2008a) was used as a data collection tool. As a result of the data analysis, administrators' attitudes towards disciplinary approaches were found to be at the medium level. There is a significant difference between the attitudes towards disciplinary approaches of administrators who graduated from the faculty of education and of administrators who graduated from other faculties other than the faculty of education. It is observed that administrators who graduated from other faculties have a more positive attitude towards disciplinary approaches compared to administrators who graduated from the faculty of education. The difference between the arithmetic means of school administrators' attitudes towards disciplinary issues according to gender, age, branch, educational level, occupational seniority, courses, seminars and status of receiving training was not found to be statistically significant.  Ozet Bu arastirmanin amaci ilkokul ve ortaokul yoneticilerinin disiplin sorunlariyla ilgili tutumlarinin ne duzeyde oldugu ve cesitli degiskenlere (cinsiyet, yas, egitim duzeyi, mezun olunan fakulte, kidem, kurs, seminer ve egitim alip almamalarina) gore farklilasip farklilasmadigini incelemektir. Arastirma, genel tarama modelinde nicel bir calismadir. Arastirmanin orneklemi 2015-2016 egitim ogretim yilinda Gaziosmanpasa ilcesinde bulunan, 7 ilkokul ve 5 ortaokul olmak uzere toplam 12  kurumda  gorev yapmakta olan 103 yoneticiden olusmaktadir. Veri toplama araci olarak Ozcan (2008a) tarafindan hazirlanan “Yoneticilerin Okuldaki Disiplin Yaklasimlari” anketi kullanilmistir. Veri analizi sonucunda, yoneticilerin disiplin yaklasimlarina yonelik tutumlarinin orta duzeyde oldugu bulunmustur. Egitim fakultesini bitiren yoneticiler ile egitim fakultesi disindaki diger fakultelerden mezun olan yoneticilerin disiplin yaklasimlarina yonelik tutumlari arasinda anlamli bir farklilik gorulmektedir. Diger fakultelerden mezun olan yoneticilerin egitim fakultelerinden mezun olan yoneticilere gore disiplin yaklasimlari konusunda daha olumlu bir tutuma sahip oldugu gorulmektedir. Okul yoneticilerinin disiplin sorunlariyla ilgili tutumlarinin cinsiyet, yas, brans, ogrenim durumu, mesleki kidem, kurs, seminer ve egitim alip almama degiskenlerine gore aritmetik ortalamalari arasindaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamli bulunmamistir.
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