Los cangrejos en la ecología y recuperación de la nutria en la Península Ibérica

The Iberian freshwater crayfish community has experienced a dramatic change during the last half century. The native species (Austropotamobius pallipes) was restricted to a very small number of isolated populations, while the exotic species (mainly Procambarus clarkii and Pascifastacus leniusculus) extended across our country. Considering the importance of crayfish for the otter diet, this work revise the available information and also provide some new unpublished results, with the aim of understanding how this carnivore has answered to the changes produced during the last 40-50 years. We also analyse the importance of such changes on the Iberian otter populations (distribution, breeding, etc.). Finally we compile the published data on the low consumption of marine crabs in marine and estuarine habitats.
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