子宮頸部Clear cell carcinomaと腎Clear cell carcinomaの腟転移の2症例

Two cases of clear cell carcinoma, namely, a metastasis of hypernephroma to the vagina in a 51 year oldwoman and a clear cell carcinoma of the cervix in a 69 year old woman, are presented, together with theresults of cytologic and light microscopic examinations.Metastasis of hypernephroma to the vagina is extremely rare and has seldom been reported.Clear cell carcinoma of the vagina and the cervix isalso rare, but recent reports have indicated that thistumor has been increasing in association with intrauterine exposure to diethylstilbestrol. Histologically, ithas been occasionally reported that there was a closeresemblance between a focus of hypernephroma andthat of primary clear cell carcinoma of the femalegenital tracts, which could be distinguished only byelectron microscopic study. In the two cases presentedherein, however, no such close resemblance was found.There has been no successful attempt to make aspecific diagnosis of clear cell carcinoma as opposedto other types of adenocarcinoma by exfoliated cytology.We could neither find any cytological characteristics of clear cell carcinoma in both of the twocases.
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