Role of Palliative Care in the Introduction of Chemotherapy in Patients with Poor Performance Status

Chemotherapy for patients with poor performance status(PS)is not recommended because it increases the risk of death and shortens their survival. We report on 3 cases in which palliative care improved PS and enabled chemotherapy, resulting in a prolonged prognosis. Case 1 involves a 57‒year‒old woman with multiple lung, liver, and bone metastases from breast cancer who was administered celecoxib and oxycodone. She received Mohs paste therapy. Her PS improved from 3 to 2, and paclitaxel and trastuzumab were started; however, the patient died on day 861. Case 2 involves a 53‒year‒old woman with multiple lymph node metastases from carcinoma of an unknown primary cause. She was administered oxycodone, loxoprofen, and dexamethasone. Her PS improved from 4 to 3. The biopsy of her bone marrow showed diffuse large B‒cell lymphoma. The patient is still alive, 6 years and 10 months after the introduction of R‒CHOP. In case 3, a 57‒year‒old man with multiple bone metastases from small cell lung cancer was administered loxoprofen and betamethasone. His PS improved from 4 to 3. Etoposide and carboplatin were administered to him, but the patient died on day 692. Palliative care may enable the introduction of chemotherapy and consequently improve prognosis.
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