A technique for parallel query optimization using MapReduce framework and a semantic-based clustering method.

Query optimization is the process of identifying the best Query Execution Plan (QEP). The query optimizer produces a close to optimal QEP for the given queries based on the minimum resource usage. The problem is that for a given query, there are plenty of different equivalent execution plans, each with a corresponding execution cost. To produce an effective query plan thus requires examining a large number of alternative plans. Access plan recommendation is an alternative technique to database query optimization, which reuses the previously-generated QEPs to execute new queries. In this technique, the query optimizer uses clustering methods to identify groups of similar queries. However, clustering such large datasets is challenging for traditional clustering algorithms due to huge processing time. Numerous cloud-based platforms have been introduced that offer low-cost solutions for the processing of distributed queries such as Hadoop, Hive, Pig, etc. This paper has applied and tested a model for clustering variant sizes of large query datasets parallelly using MapReduce. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the parallel implementation of query workloads clustering to achieve good scalability.
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