Defect Physics of CuInSe 2 for Photovoltaic Applications Using Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS)

Native point defects in undoped samples of CuInSe2 (CIS) have been identified by a multiple-edge refinement of the extended x-ray absorption fine structure of the copper, indium and selenium absorption edges. Ab initio theoretical models for the pure compound and for various defect structures were constructed and carrier-type statistics were predicted by simultaneously fitting multiple absorption sites to these models. As expected, a model of our measurements based on pure compounds with no defects does not yield a good fit to the data. We find that a best fit requires a significant population of defects. Preliminary quantitative analysis suggests a 15 % vacancy in Cu, a 2-12% population of Cu-Se anti-sites and 15% In-Se anti-sites.
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