CRESCIMENT O VEGETATIVO E PRODUTIVIDADE DE CAFEEIROS CONILON PROP AGADOS POR EST ACAS EM TUBETES Vegetative growth and productivity of Conilon coffee-trees proceeding from seedlings produced of deep-rooted cuttings in plastic tubes

The objective of this work was to evaluate the vegetative growth and productivity of conilon coffee-tree (Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner), proceeding from seedlings produced of deep-rooted cuttings initially in plastic tubes with capacity of 50 cm 3 . The treatments were constituted of permanence period in plastic tube for 0; 15; 30; 45 and 60 days. After these periods the plants were transplanted for polyethylene bags filled with substrate (soil + sand + manure bovine and chemical fertilization) maintained on the greenhouse with environment under shading canvas (50%) and automatic micro aspersion during 150 days. After this time the plants were maintained during 30 days in acclimatization greenhouse management. Field experiment was set up in September of 1999, at experimental area CCA-UFES, in Alegre, south state of the Espirito Santo, Brasil. The following measurements were made: length of orthotropic and plagiotropic branches after first year and the first four productions. The results showed there were no differences either in vegetative growth and fruits production.
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