Comparing Socio-Demographic, Health- Related, and Biochemical Factors Associated with Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) between Adolescents from Two Arab Countries

Background: Studies related to socio-demographic, health-related, and biochemical factors are scarce among Arab adults and even more so among adolescents. Objectives: To compare the above factors between adolescents from two Arab countries. Methods: Two previous studies were done on some of the above factors. The similar factors in the two studies were compared with each other. The two Arab countries that came close to addressing these factors were Kuwait (K) and Egypt (E). Results: Anthropometric measurements were higher among K than E with the exception of Homa-IR, CRP, and homocysteine. All biochemical factors were higher among K than E. The IQ range for gender, age, WC, and area of residence were higher among E than K. The comparison between K and E with respect to the presence of one MetS or more was inconsistent. As the number of MetS increased, K showed higher values of the prevalence MetS than E for either gender or total sample. Conclusions: For individual comparable factors, results were inconsistent. However, with the presence of >1 MetS parameter, K showed consistently higher prevalence of MetS.
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