El marketing ecológico como herramienta integral desde la gestión empresarial en pro a la sostenibilidad ambiental

Throughout history, human beings have focused on developing tools to keep survival active and improve the quality of life of all individuals, however, in this quest for constant improvement, it has ceased to distinguish what is truly important by producing and marketing Unnecessary products and services that a consumerism without conscience has generated, nor measure that creates on a planet with finite resources an infinite consumption model created imbalances and environmental crises. In the current climate emergency, there are diverse scientific evidences that place companies directly responsible, for this reason the State, various organizations and society in general have put pressure on them to be agents of change that promote actions that slow down rapid environmental deterioration that require a restructuring of the company, society does not approve an entity that is only responsible for the production of goods and services in order to obtain economic returns, but must be units of production and distribution of goods and services acting responsibly social that help preserve the environment. With the climate emergency, the conception that companies have about the environment has changed, since according to Lorenzo Diaz (2002), before the interaction of companies and the environment was considered as an externality and now it is considered as a relevant element, which it is important to know, analyze and integrate into decision-making processes taking into account environmental variables; This is causing a modification of the traditional concept of the company, since the new definitions incorporate a series of dimensions that refer to the environment, the natural environment, sustainable development and the role played by public and private organizations. Today's business management must not only consider economic factors, but must also bear in mind the satisfaction and compliance with zero or minimal impacts, social responsibility and business ethics. In this sense, the companies of modern societies do not focus on production and exchanges, but on doing business with an awareness of environmental problems, developing according to Lorenzo Diaz (2002) a comprehensive holistic vision of the application of a new marketing in the organization. That is why this study seeks to find and present theoretical and statistical arguments that demonstrate that green or ecological marketing is an integral tool that contributes from various dimensions to business management, for this a qualitative documentary research is used because it seeks to collect and select information through from reading documents, books, reports, statistics to identify the benefits that the use of green marketing brings to the company and society. The results of the research were the collection of arguments that demonstrate that marketing is an integral tool within business management, because it promotes greater control over the generation of pollutants, changing the habits of consumerism established by traditional capitalism, thereby achieving reduce the environmental impact generated by the company and society; Under environmental principles and values, increase the coverage capacity of the advertising campaign, in addition to green marketing, improve the image of the company and the brand, which translates into higher income and greater competitiveness in a globalized market, finally it is recognized that this form of marketing provides greater innovation to the market and allows alternative products and ventures with a social focus to emerge.
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