The Spatial Distribution of IOx and impacts upon HOx and NOx at a Coastal Site

The release of iodine compounds into the marine atmosphere can affect a number of aspects of atmospheric composition: Iodine species can participate in catalytic ozone destruction cycles, which may be augmented by bromine species; reactions of iodine compounds can perturb the OH:HO2 and NO:NO2 ratios, heterogeneous loss of reservoir compounds such as HOI and IONO2 can lead to removal of HOx and NOx, and higher iodine oxides can contribute to the formation and/or growth of aerosol particles. Several recent field campaigns have investigated the impact of iodine chemistry upon atmospheric composition, at both coastal sites (e.g. Mace Head, Roscoff) and open ocean locations (e.g. Cape Verde). In this work, we focus upon understanding the effect of the spatial distribution of iodine emissions upon HOx and NOx levels at coastal sites, using new observations to re-evaluate previous field campaign data.
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