
Published in 1943, China's Destiny is Chiang Kai-shek's monograph on national pol- icy. In the monograph, Chiang proposes a nation-building plan, which integrates the three parts of culture, economics and national defense into one system. The focal point and urgent task of the plan are economic construction. At the same time, economic construction has industrialisation as a matter of top priority, whose key rests with the implementation of the industrial plan. Under the orders of Office of the Secretary of the Supreme National Defense Council, Academia Sinica carried out two ac- tivities about the monograph between April and August in 1943. The main suggestions made by the institutes of Academy Sinica taking part in the activities consisted of the neglect of agriculture with emphasis being laid on applied science in Chiang's industrial plan. In order to support the implemen- tation of nation-building plan, especially the industrial plan, the institutes taking part in the second activity worked out the implementation methods related with their research and other works. To a cer- tain extent, China's Destiny caused Academia Sinica to pay more attention to the research of applied science since 1943, which was related with actual urgent problems of the state and Chinese society. Chiang's modidification for the relevant content in the revised and enlarged edition of China's Destiny in 1944 was related with these suggestions. The interactive effects between Chiang and Academia Sinica implicating the state and Academia Sinica had a complex relationship that the state and Acade- mia Sinica were to some extent interdependent, but tension still existed to a certain degree between the two sides.
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