Effect of fortification by full fat and defatted flaxseed Flour sensory properties of wheat bread and lipid profile laste

A B S T R A C T The research work was carried out to evaluate the acceptability of flaxseed utilization in the bread. The scores assigned to all the sensory parameters of breads affected significantly with the variation in levels of flaxseed fortified in wheat flours. The 10 and 15% replacements of both flaxseed flours resulted in acceptable product. Flaxseed flours (partially defatted and full fat) fortified wheat flour significantly improved the chemical composition (crude fat, crude fiber and crude protein), results showed that addition of flaxseed to wheat flour by (10%FFF+15%DFF) increased the protein, fiber, and ash, their content increased significantly with the increasing level of FFF and DFF supplementation in wheat flour. Meanwhile, the content of carbohydrates was decreased in the bread. Carbohydrates increased and fat decreased for bread 15% DFF. Also results revealed that, the diets containing flaxseed increased the level of serum HDL-C while serum TC, TG, LDL-C and VLDL-C significantly decreased. K e y w o r d s Flaxseed, bread, sensory evaluation, chemical composition, digestibility and hyper- cholesterolemic
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