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Five Summer Songs (1972)

The songs show considerable delicacy and flair in the clear texture and skilful vocal writing. A flexible, light-toned mezzo-soprano or baritone would perhaps be best suited to them as too much heaviness might limit the range of dynamics. The songs form a nicely balanced group with good contrast and the accompaniments are varied and fluent. The musical idiom is straightforward, uncluttered and precise with great rhythmic vitality and a fine sensitivity to vocal sound. The style is reminiscent of Stravinsky’s neo-classicism. The music is immaculately disciplined and its performance should be smooth to make a polished, elegant impression. The singer’s refinement of tone will be displayed to great advantage and the charm of the texts comes across clearly. There should be no difficulty with pitch since the piano parts contain cues and doublings. The cycle is an ideal length for a concert and its appeal will be immediate. The composer’s instructions in the score are lucid and helpful, making this an excellent choice for a young singer.
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