State of the Art of the Ignalina RBMK-1500 Safety

Ignalina NPP is the only nuclear power plant in Lithuania consisting of two units, commissioned in 1983 and 1987. Unit 1 of Ignalina NPP was shut down for decommissioning at the end of 2004 and Unit 2 is to be operated until the end of 2009. Both units are equipped with channel-type graphite-moderated boiling water reactors RBMK-1500. The paper summarizing the results of deterministic and probabilistic analyses is developed within 1991–2007 by specialists from Lithuanian Energy Institute. The main operational safety aspects, including analyses performed according the Ignalina Safety Improvement Programs, development and installation of the Second Shutdown System and Guidelines on Severe Accidents Management are discussed. Also the phenomena related to the closure of the gap between fuel channel and graphite bricks, multiple fuel channel tube rupture, and containment issues as well as implication of the external events to the Ignalina NPP safety are discussed separately.
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