Развитие дисбиоза в пародонте крыс после спленэктомии = Development of dysbiosis in periodontal tissues in rats after splenectomy

Резюме РАЗВИТИЕ ДИСБИОЗА В ПАРОДОНТЕ КРЫС ПОСЛЕ СПЛЕНЭКТОМИИ Т.В. Томилина Спленэктомия у крыс вызывает развитие в десне дисбиоза, а в организме сепсиса, который проявляется значительным ростом активности уреазы, снижением активности лизоцима и содержания гиалуроновой кислоты. Ключевые слова: спленэктомия, десна, дисбиоз, сепсис, лизоцим, гиалуроновая кислота. Summary DEVELOPMENT OF DYSBIOSIS IN PERIODONTAL TISSUES IN RATS AFTER SPLENECTOMY T.V. Tomilina Spleen is central organ in the body's immune system. Removal of the spleen leads to immune deficiency that causes the development of intestinal dysbiosis. Aim - determine the state of dysbiosis in periodontum of rats after splenectomy. Methods . In Wistar rats were removed spleen and after 7 days were determined urease activity in gingiva (a marker of microbial contamination) and lysozyme (a measure of nonspecific immunity). By the ratio of relative activities urease and lysozyme calculated degree of dysbiosis. Furthermore, was determined in gingiva the level of inflammation markers (MDA, elastase) and hyaluronic acid content. Results . Removal of the spleen leads to sepsis development and death of nearly 50% of rats in 7 days. In gingiva significantly increased the urease activity (by 8 times) and decreases the activity of lysozyme (6 times), which leads to a manifold increase the degree of dysbiosis. Furthermore, in 2 times content of hyaluronic acid decreases in gingiva. Conclusion . Splenectomy causes the development of dysbiosis in periodontum, the basis of which may lie in reduction of hyaluronic acid. Key words: splenectomy, gums, dysbiosis, sepsis, lysozyme, hyaluronic acid .
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