Изменения ионных токов нейронов прудовика под влиянием дигоксина и коргликона

The results of endocellular dialysis membrane potential monitoring show that cardiac glycosides digoxin and corglycon in concentration from 10-12 to 10-6 M influence the sodium, calcium and potassium ion currents in isolated snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) neurons in reversible and slightly dose-dependent manner. In low concentration (10-12 - 10-8 M) both substances increased all ionic currents by up to 5%, while in higher concentrations both drugs led to the suppression of ion currents. The most pronounced decrease (up to 26% relative to control) was observed for sodium ion current under the action of digoxin in a concentration of 10-6 M. The process of slow potassium currents inactivation was accelerated by corglycon in a concentration of 10-6 M. Digoxin caused a shift in the current - voltage curve maximum by 5 - 10 mV to the right on the potential axis. Generally, digoxin in comparison to corglycon produced less activating and more suppressing effect on the membrane ion currents studied.
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