CTX Correlation to Disease Duration and Adiponectin in Egyptian Children with T1DM/ Korelacija između CTX-a i trajanja bolesti i adiponektina kod egipatske dece sa T1DM

BACKGROUND: In this study, we investigated the relationship of adiponectin with bone marker changes in Egyptian children and adolescents with T1DM and the effect of disease duration on these markers, as well as the possible correlations between adiponectin and bone markers in these patients. METHODS: Sixty Egyptian children and adolescent patients with T1DM were studied. Serum adiponectin and collagen breakdown products (cross-linked C-terminal telopeptide of collagen type l »CTX«) were measured and compared to the results of 20 age-matched healthy controls. REZULTATI: Posle prilagođavanja za uzrast, indeks telesne mase, Tanerovu skalu i pol; (ukupni) adiponektin bio je znaĉajno vissi kod svih pacijenata sa T1DM. CTX je pokazao izrazit pad kod dijabetiĉara sa trajanjem bolesti > 5 godina. Serumski nivo 25(OH)D, (ukupni) kalcijum i neorganski fosfor (Pi) nisu se znaĉajno razlikovali u odnosu na kontrolu. CTX je bio u inverznoj korelaciji sa FBG i trajanjem T1DM. Pi je bio u inverznoj, a 25(OH)D u direktnoj korelaciji sa FBG. Ukupni kalcijum bio je u inverznoj korelaciji sa HbA1c. FBG, TC, TAG, LDL-C bili su nezavisni prediktori CTX-a u T1DM. CONCLUSIONS: Adiponectin showed no correlation with either CTX or bone homeostatic indices. FBG, TC, TAG, LDL-C were independent predictors of CTX in T1DM. We recommend further investigation of adiponectin isoforms in a population-based study, to establish a good age- and sex-related reference.
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