Prognostic factors and adjuvant treatment in early epithelial ovarian cancer.

Four hundred and ten patients with epithelial ovarian cancer FIGO stages I and II were registered by a Danish multicenter study group (The Danish Ovarian Cancer Group - DACOVA). Two-thirds were stage I, the most frequent substage was Iai which was the classification in 27%. Five-year survival for stage I was 72%, and 38% for stage II. Multivariate analysis showed that age, stage, residual tumor, histologic grade and adjuvant treatment had prognostic value. For stage, three significantly different groups could be identified: (1) stage Iai, (2) stage Iaii-Ic, and (3) stage II. Histologic grade showed a significant survival difference between all grades. Adjuvant treatment had a moderate but significant impact on survival. Patients in stage Iai had a good survival with surgery alone and will probably not benefit from adjuvant therapy. Adjuvant treatment improved survival for the remaining patients in stages I and II without residual tumor. A difference between treatment modalities was not observed. However, the data need to be confirmed by a randomized trial. Patients in stage II with residual tumor should be treated as stage III.
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