Structural deformation in central Cuba and implications for the petroleum system: new insights from 3D inversion of gravity data

We propose a new structural framework for Central Cuba based on the 3D inversion of gravity data and constrained by deep boreholes and surface geology. The proposed 3D density model defines structural highs that could work like oil traps for further exploration. This possibility is affirmed by oil wells that are presently productive and that are located on the top of the structural highs in our model. The model also shows the boundaries of several synorogenic basins (Central and Cabaiguan basins) originated by the convergence between the North American and Caribbean plates from the Late Campanian to Late Eocene. The model indicates the location of several sub-basins to the south, as well as the depths and thicknesses variations of the main lithological groups, comprising reservoir and source rocks. The structural framework reflects the geological evolution of the region characterized by the collision and overthrust of ophiolitic rocks and the Cretaceous volcanic arc over the carbonate rocks of the Bahamas passive paleomargin. These geological processes controlled the spatial position and geometry of the different lithological groups, faults and basins.
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