Integrative medicine, quality of life and gynecological cancer : Comments on the article titled "Quality-of-life outcomes in patients with gynecologic cancer referred to integrative oncology treatment during chemotherapy".

WecongratulateBen-Aryeetal.[1]fortheirrecentstudytitled “Quality-of-life outcomes in patients with gynecologic cancer referred to integrative oncology treatment during chemotherapy” published in Supportive Care in Cancer. Their great initiative elucidates an improvement in patient quality of life due to the use of complementary and integrative medicine. The authors investigated the most common concerns expressed by gynecologic cancer patients during chemotherapy and the influence of complementary medicine on these symptoms, observing a reduction therein. The investigation byBen-Aryeet al. [1] utilizingthe model of Integrative Gynecologic Oncology Program deserves to be praised. This study encompasses the integration of complementary medicine into conventional medicine [2, 3]. The authorsassessedtheimpactofthisregimenonpatients’concerns and well-being, including symptoms induced by chemotherapy, and found more positive outcomes in the group of patients
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