Profesionales y política de medicamentos antineoplásicos en el servicio de salud pública de Rosario: estudio cualitativo

Objective: To examine the antineoplastic agent polices in a Public Service of Oncology in Rosariofrom the professionals› perspective. Methods: Qualitative retrospective study using semistructured interviews to key informants from the Service. Period: January-June 2012. Axis: a) knowledge about oncology drug programs; b) regulatory framework; c) funding; d) oncology drug selection/ prescription/ administration tools; d) drug innovations and offlabel use; f) team-work; g) work setting. Results: Answers generally derived to the clinical area. They said they knew the National Cancer Program but was seen to be away from the everyday care practices. Regulations regarding performance within the service were more clearly observed. Jurisdiction problems were seen in the founding field. They referred to the International Guidelines of Clinical Practice, putting emphasis on the need to agree within the team. They cautiously observed the collecting agency. They said they received updated information about oncology drugs but hesitated when defining off- label. The work team was contextualized within the Municipal Public Heath Network. Conclusions: From the health professionals› perspective, the National Program was framed within a complexscenery with strengths and limitations. The qualitative approach shows aspects that may complement other studies.
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