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Methadone for prisoners

1 Rich JD, McKenzie M, Larney S, et al. Methadone continuation versus forced withdrawal on incarceration in a combined US prison and jail: a randomised, open-label trial. Lancet 2015; 386: 350–59. 2 Kershnar S. A defense of retributivism. Int J Appl Philos 2000; 14: 97–117. 3 Gewirtz P. Methadone maintenance for heroin addicts. New Haven: Yale Law School, 1989. 4 Liu H, Grusky O, Zhu Y, Li X. Do drug users in China who frequently receive detoxifi cation treatment change their risky drug use practices and sexual behavior? Drug Alcohol Depend 2006; 84: 114–21. 6 Water, sanitation, and hygiene for accelerating and sustaining progress on neglected tropical diseases: a global strategy 2015–2020. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2015 http://apps. WHO_FWC_WSH_15.12_eng.pdf?ua=1 (accessed Oct 6, 2015). 7 Horton R. Offl ine: The “chronic pandemic” that just won’t go away. Lancet 2015; 385: 758. and fairness in progress toward other Sustainable Development Goals and targets, including universal health coverage (target 3.8), universal access to safe water (target 6.1), and sanitation (target 6.2). These tracers are essential to monitor equity precisely because NTD endemic populations are the least likely to have access to these services at present. I do not share the opinion that the main outcome for the inclusion of NTDs within the Sustainable Development Goals would be more money for NTDs. Inclusion of NTD indicators and tracers will, on the contrary, help to maximise returns on investment in a broad portfolio of Sustainable Development Goal targets. Inclusion will help to identify the communities that have the greatest need for attainment of these goals: the populations that are the furthest behind in terms of development.
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