Lack of association association between the presence of dupA and babA 2 genes in Helicobacter pylori and gastroduodenal disorders

Introduction and objective Bacterial virulence factors are important in determining the outcome of H. pylori associated diseases. The initial stage of colonization is the binding of H. pylori to surface receptors on gastric epithelial cells known as bаbА. It caused colonization by another recently described H. pylori virulence factor, the duodenal ulcer promoter gene A, which is a specific marker for the development of duodenal ulcer and protection against gastric adenocarcinoma. Based on heterogeneity among H. pylori strains, this study was aimed at investigating the frequency of bаbА 2 and dupA genes in clinical isolates of H. pylori and its correlation with different H. pylori associated diseases in Kermanshah, Iran.
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