Определение чувствительности новых клеточных культур животного происхождения к клиническим изолятам энтеровируса человека Echovirus 11 и Coxsackievirus B5

The cell culture laboratory of Ekaterinburg Research Institute of Viral Infections established and characterized diploid cell cultures of fetal porcine larynx, lungs, kidneys and muscles for the first time. Sensitivity of the novel animal-derived cell cultures to the priority clinical isolates of human enterovirus, Coxsackievirus B5 and Echovirus 11, was evaluated. Experimental studies with a Coxsackievirus B5 (CB5–8100) strain detected high sensitivity to the virus in the diploid laryngeal and renal cells and absence of such sensitivity in the cells of the lung and muscle tissues. We also documented the total absence of sensitivity to Echovirus 11 (111/RD) in all the cell cultures under study. The results will be used for further studies of animal-derived cell cultures. Certification of the novel fetal porcine renal and laryngeal cells will open up new opportunities for a wide variety of their uses in virology for studying the etiology of enteroviral infections caused by Coxsackievirus B5.
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