Immunoreactivity of endothelins and endothelin receptor in the stria vascularis of the mouse cochlea

Abstract Immunoreactivities of endothelin-1, endothelin-3, endothelin receptor type A, and Na,K-ATPase were investigated in the stria vascularis of adult male WBB6F 1 +/+ mice and in that of W/W v mutants lacking strial intermediate cells. In the +/+ mice, electron microscopic immunoreactivity for the endothelins was seen on the rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, cytoplasmic vesicles and lysosomes exclusively in the strial intermediate cells by the postembedment method. Immunoreactive endothelin receptor A was localized along the plasma membrane of strial marginal cells of both wild and mutant types although the immunoreactivity of the latter was much less than that of the former by the preembedment method. These findings suggest that the endothelins, which are produced in the strial intermediate cells, may play a role in the maintenance of the stria vascularis function in the +/+ mice. Since the plasma membrane of the marginal cells of the W/W v mice, which do not generate a high positive endocochlear potential, also showed immunoreactivity for Na,K-ATPase, it seems likely that the endothelins are involved in the activation of sodium pump of the strial marginal cells by mediation of endothelin receptor A. In addition, the role of lysosomes in the crinophagy of the endothelins in the strial intermediate cells is proposed in the +/+ mice.
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