Chloroplast bioengineering 1: Photosynthetic efficiency, modulation of the photosynthetic unit size, and the agriculture of the future

The world population of about 6 billion is expected to increase to 9 billion by the year 2030. It may reach 18 billion by the end of the century. Worldwide, there has been a progressive decline in cereal yield, and at present, the annual rate of yield increase is below the rate of population increase. Since it will be difficult to increase the land area under cultivation without serious environmental consequences, the increased demand for food and fiber will have to be met by higher agricultural plant productivity. Plant productivity depends in turn on photosynthetic efficiency. We have reason to believe that agricultural productivity can be significantly increased by alteration of the photosynthetic unit size. On the basis of recent advances in the understanding of the chemistry and biochemistry of the greening process and significant advances in molecular biology, we believe that alteration of the PSU size has become a realistic possibility.
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