Algorithm of brain reactions to destabilizing antigenic and non-antigenic factors and problem of neuro-immune interactions

In present work the analysis of current literature and data on molecular and cell mechanisms of brain reactions to different destabilizing factors is given. The characteristics of hypothalamic cell and structure ensembles, w//ch activation depends on stimulus modality (movement restriction, pain, electro-magnetic irradiation, injection of short peptides and different antigens) is determined. Applying of complex analysis of c-Fos-positive cell quantity, their size and optical density allowed to reveal activation level of hypothalamic structures, neurons types and intensity of their reaction to concrete stimuli. The dependence of algorithm of hypothalamic structure activation from the nature of injected antigen, its immunogenity and concentration. The modulating effects of short peptides vilon and epitalon as well as electromagnetic irradiation by waves of extremely //gh frequency on hypothalamic cell activation, altered by destabilizing factors, is shown. The discreteness of reactions of hypothalamic orexin neurons to antigen and non-antigen stimuli was revealed that demonstrate their participation in mechanisms of realization of brain reactions to these signals. The complex applying of molecular-biological and morphometric methods allowed to demonstrate the difference between algorithms of brain reactions characteristic for answer to definite stimuli including antigen.
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