Impact of heliogeophysical factors on clinical and biochemical parameters in males suffering from blood thrombangiitis

The influence of solar and geomagnetic activity factors on clinical and biochemical parameters of patients with obliterating thrombangiitis consists of immediate and delayed reactions with different latent periods. The most pronounced reactions to current events and moderate reactivity to events during the week before the survey. Highly reactive parameters are Na + blood (CD = 35.5%) and total serum protein (CD = 26%), while the nonreactive index – urine amylase. Among the patients with obliterating thrombangiitis, there were 5 types of reactions to fluctuations of solar and geomagnetic activity factors, including 2 types at low and 3 types at medium level of solar and geomagnetic activity. Accordingly, for each typological group non-linear functional dependences of indicators are established. Keywords: obliterating thrombangiitis; geomagnetic activity; solar activity; cardiovascular pathology References: Andronova, I. I., Deryapa, N. R., & Solomatin, A. P. (1982). Geliometeotropnye reakcii zdorovogo i bol'nogo cheloveka. Leningrad. Medicina (in Russian). Bazhenov, A. A., Averina, A. S., & Prikop, M. V. (2014). Vliyanie geogeofizicheskih faktorov na zdorov'e cheloveka. Byulleten' vostochno-sibirskogo nauchnogo centra sibirskogo otdeleniya rossijskoj akademii medicinskih nauk, 6 (100), 125-129 (in Russian). Dubov, E. H., & Hromova, T. P. (1992). Indeksy solnechnoj I geomagnitnoj aktivnosti. Biofizika, 37, 4, 785-804 (in Russian). Miheeva, O. O., Filatova, O. V., Kiselev, V. D., & Horev, N. G. (2002)/ Biologicheskie osobennosti bol'nyh obliteriruyushchim trombangiitom. Izvestiya AGU, 3 (25), 93-97 (in Russian). Mikulecký, M., & Strestik, J. (2007). Cerebral infarction versus solar and geomagnetic activity: a cross-regression study. Israel Medical Association journal, 9 (12), 835-838. Samsonov, S. N., Petrova, P. G., Strekalovskaya, A. A., Manygina, V. I., Tomskij, M. I., Alekseev, R. Z. (2008). Svyaz' solnechnyh I geofizicheskih vozmushchenij s serdechno-sosudistymi zabolevaniyami. Nauka I obrazovanie, 2, 50-55. Sevastyanova, E. V., Trofimov, A. V., Kunicyn, V. G., Bahtina, I. A., & Kozhevnikova, I. N. (2007) Vliyanie geliogeofizicheskih faktorov na reologicheskie svojstva krovi u bol'nyh s hronicheskoj serdechno-sosudistoj patologiej. Byulleten' Sibirskogo otdeleniya Rossijskoj Akademii medicinskih nauk, 5, 93-98 (in Russian). Shabanov A. N., & Kotel'nikov V. P. (1983). Patogenez I lechenie obliteriruyushchego ehndarteriita. Moscow. Medicina (in Russian). Shaposhnikov D., Revich B., Gurfinkel Y., & Naumova E. (2014). The influence of meteorological and geomagnetic factors on acute myocardial infarction and brain stroke in Moscow, Russia. International Journal of Biometeorology, 58 (5), 799-808. doi: 10.1007/s00484-013-0660-0. Stoupel, E. G. (2016). Cosmic ray (neutron) activity and air pollution nanoparticles - cardiovascular disease risk factors – separate or together? Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology, 27 (5), 493-496. doi: 10.1515/jbcpp-2015-0119. Vencloviene, J., Babarskiene, R., Milvidaite, I., Kubilius, R., & Stasionyte, J. (2014). The effect of solar-geomagnetic activity during and after admission on survival in patients with acute coronary syndromes. International Journal of Biometeorology, 58(6), 1295-303. doi: 10.1007/s00484-013-0725-0. Vencloviene, J., Babarskiene, R., Slapikas, R., & Sakalyte, G. (2013). The association between phenomena on the sun, geomagnetic activity, meteorological variables, and cardiovascular characteristic of patients with myocardial infarction. International journal of Biometeorology, 57 (5), 797-804. doi: 10.1007/s00484-012-0609-8. Epub 2012 Nov 24.
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